A steady stream of publications based on the Klein archive is accumulating, and there is scope for many more. Recent examples include Melanie Klein’s Narrative of an Adult Analysis by the Trust’s Archivist Christine English, Lectures on Technique by Melanie Klein, edited with a critical introduction by John Steiner, and Essential Readings from the Melanie Klein Archives, edited by former Trust Archivist Jane Milton. There is more information about these books and the material used in them on the archive blog.
The following list shows known articles and books that have used material from the archive. Where it has been feasible to do so, the part of the archive used is indicated. The publications are listed in chronological order, most recent first.
The list is not exhaustive, and the Trust’s Archivist, Christine English, would be pleased to hear from readers about anything not mentioned here. She would also be very interested to hear from anyone who has studied the archive and intends to publish material – not least to try to avoid the duplication of work. You can contact Christine by email: [email protected]
Researchers working in the Klein archive should note that the Melanie Klein Trust has copyright over all material and must be informed so as to give permission for any publications. The Trust is currently supporting several pieces of work on the archive, including the translation into English of a number of German language papers by Claudia Frank (listed below).
Publications using material from the Klein archive:
- English, C. (2023) Melanie Klein’s Narrative of an Adult Analysis. London: Routledge.
- Milton, J. (2020) Essential Readings from the Melanie Klein Archives: Original Papers and Clinical Reflections. London: Routledge.
- Steiner, J. (Ed.) (2017) Lectures on Technique by Melanie Klein. London: Routledge.
{Uses C52, C53 and C72} - Sherwin-White, S. (2017) Melanie Klein Revisited: Pioneer and Revolutionary in the Psychoanalysis of Children. London: Routledge.
{Uses unpublished lectures and notes on child analysis, as well as the material published by Claudia Frank on Grete, Rita, Inge and Erna} - Quinodoz, J-M. (2014) Melanie Klein and Marcelle Spira: Their Correspondence in Context. London: Routledge.
{NB: this correspondence is recently discovered and does not yet appear in the Wellcome catalogue} - Frank, C. (2013) „Drei statt zwei Prinzipien psychischen Geschehens? Überlegungen zu Freuds einschlägiger Arbeit (1911b) und Melanie Kleins Entdeckung eines bösen Prinzips“. In L. Hermanns/A. Hirschmüller (Hg.) Vom Sammeln, Bedenken und Deuten in Geschichte, Kunst und Psychoanalyse. Gerhard Fichtner zu Ehren. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: frommann-holzboog, 223-247. [‘Three instead of two principles of psychic functioning? On Freud’s ideas in 1911 and Melanie Klein’s discovery of an evil principle’]
- Frank, C. (2012) „Wiedergutmachung – zur Entstehung eines neuen Konzepts aus Melanie Kleins ersten Kinderanalysen“. Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse. 65, 81-106. [‘Reparation – on the development of a new concept out of Melanie Klein’s first child analyses’]
- Frank, C. (2011): ‘»… feeling very strongly that what Ferenczi would not do might be done«. Überlegungen zu Melanie Kleins Suche nach einem ihr förderlichen psychoanalytischen Arbeitsumfeld’. In A. Berger, F. Henningsen, L. Hermanns, J. Togay (Hg.) Der psychoanalytische Aufbruch Budapest–Berlin 1918 –1920. Frankfurt: Brandes und Apsel, 129-155. [‘“… feeling very strongly that what Ferenczi would not do might be done”. Thoughts on Melanie Klein’s search for a helpful psychoanalytic working environment’]
- Spillius, E., Milton, J., Garvey, P., Couve, C. and Steiner, D. (2011) The New Dictionary of Kleinian Thought. London: Routledge.
- Frank, C. (2009) Melanie Klein in Berlin: Her First Psychoanalyses of Children, ed. E. Spillius. London: Routledge. Translated by Sophie Leighton.
{This book, published in German and then English, uses archival material on the treatment of four small children, Grete, Rita, Inge and Erna} - Frank, C. (2009) ‘Das „Melanie-Klein-Problem“. Zur Publikationsgeschichte der Psychoanalyse des Kindes’. In: Luzifer-Amor 44, 99-139. [‘The Melanie Klein Problem: On the history of the publication of The Psychoanalysis of Children’]
- Frank, C. (2008) ‘„Ist es ein Tier im Inneren?“ Melanie Kleins unpubliziertes „Don Juan Paper“ (1939)’. In: Luzifer-Amor 41, 120-140. [‘”Is it an animal inside me?” On Melanie Klein’s unpublished Don Juan paper from 1939’]
{Uses C91} - Hinshelwood, R. (2008) ‘Melanie and Klein and countertransference: A note on some archival material’. Psychoanalysis and History 10:95-113.
{Based on material from C72 and D29 (the latter incorrectly cited in the paper as D31)} - Spillius, E. (2007) Encounters with Melanie Klein, Selected Papers of Elizabeth Spillius. London: Routledge.
{Uses B98, B99, C47, C48-52, C53, C54, C59, C67, C72, C76, and D3-17} - Hinshelwood, R. (2006) ‘Melanie Klein and Repression: An examination of some unpublished notes of 1934’. Psychoanalysis and History. 8:5-42.
{Uses B89} - Frank, C. (2005) ‘„Angstberuhigung“ – Zu Melanie Kleins unveröffentlichtem Beitrag „On Reassurance“.’ In Luzifer-Amor. Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse. 36, 23-41. [‘On Reassurance – on an unpublished contribution of Melanie Klein’]
{Uses C67} - Frank, C. (2004) ‘„[…] the so-called analytic attitude“. Zu unpublizierten Ausführungen Melanie Kleins über die Grundhaltung bei Erwachsenenanalysen.’ In Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Theorie und Praxis. 19, 289-308.
{Uses C52 and C53} - Frank, C. (2003) ‘Zu Melanie Kleins zeitgenössischer Bezugnahme auf Hitler und den Zweiten Weltkrieg in ihren Behandlungen’. Psyche-Z Psychoanal. 57, 708-728. [‘On Melanie Klein’s contemporary references to Hitler and the Second World War in her treatment’]
{Uses B84, B85 and C96} - Frank, C. (2002) ‘„Versuch einer Analyse: Frau Klein“. Anmerkungen zu einem Ambulanzblatt der Berliner Psychoanalytischen Poliklinik von 1921.’ In G. Bien, E. Holzboog, T. Koch (Hg.): Wissenschaftsgeschichte zum Anfassen von Frommann bis Holzboog. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt (Frommann-Holzboog), 317-325. [‘”Attempt of an analysis: Mrs Klein”. Notes on a policlinic paper from the Berlin Policlinic in 1921’].
- Likierman, M. (2001) Melanie Klein: Her Work in Context. London: Continuum.
- Frank, C. (1999) Melanie Kleins erste Kinderanalysen: Die Entdekung des Kindes als Objekt sui generis von Heilen und Forschen. Stuttgart Bad Cannstatt: Fromann-Holzboog.
- Frank, C. (1999) ‘The discovery of the child as an object sui generis of cure and research by Melanie Klein as reflected in the notes of her first child analyses in Berlin 1921-1926’. Psychoanalysis and History. 2:155-174.
- Mason, A (1998) ‘Melanie Klein’s notes on Citizen Kane with commentary’. Psychoanalytic Inquiry. 18:147-153.
{Uses material from C89} - Hinshelwood, R. (1997) ‘The elusive concept of ‘Internal Objects’ (1934-1943) Its role in the formation of The Klein Group’. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 78:877-897.
{Uses material from C68, C92 and D16} - Frank, C. and Weiß, H. (1996) ‘The origins of disquieting discoveries by Melanie Klein: The possible significance of the case of ‘Erna’.’ International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 77, 1101-1126.
- King, P. and Steiner, R. (Ed.s) (1992) The Freud-Klein Controversies 1941-45. London: Routledge.
{Uses extensive material from Box E of the archive} - Grosskurth, P. (1986) Melanie Klein: Her World and Her Work. London: Knopf.